The Origin of Umbrella

An umbrella is a tool that can provide a cool environment or shelter from rain, snow, sunshine, etc. China is the first country in the world to invent umbrellas.

Umbrellas are an important creation of the Chinese working people.From the yellow umbrella for the emperor to the rain shelter for the people,it can be said that the umbrella is closely related to people’s life. Influenced by Chinese culture, many Asian countries have long had the tradition of using umbrellas, while it was not until the 16th century that European umbrellas became popular in China.

Nowadays, umbrellas are no longer only used for shelter from wind and rain in the traditional sense. Their families can be described as descendants and numerous styles. There are lampshade umbrellas placed on desks and tea tables, beach umbrellas with a diameter of more than two meters, parachutes necessary for pilots, automatic umbrellas that can be folded freely, and small color umbrellas for decoration… With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people’s living standards, people are constantly seeking innovation in the style and function of umbrellas, so some multifunctional and new styles of umbrellas have been invented.


Post time: Apr-09-2022